Meet The Necklasaurus

I have never ever been this excited about a piece of jewellery before! I first found this amazing specimen in Slashpile Designs' Etsy shop way back in September last year and couldn't get it out of my mind since. I shopped around for other possible mascots but always came back round to this one. It's just so 'me'... minimalist but detailed. I finally decided to cough up some cash and just go for it and boy oh boy was it worth it!

Slashpile Designs is the creation of sisters Tara and Courtney and if you like interesting jewellery, you should most definitely go and have a browse. I especially love their 1 'Carrot' diamond ring!

I'm not sure if I've ever told the story of my blog name before and I think now would be a perfect time seeing as it's also my 750th post! I started going by 'Sammersaurus' online when I joined MySpace close to a decade ago, maybe 2004-05, and I honestly can't remember how I came up with it.
A few years later, I was watching 'Meet The Robinsons' with my family and one particular scene involving a Tyrannosaurus Rex with a 'big head and little arms' (video here) tickled me and my Dad. I'm slightly below average height and often can't reach things that are high up so the Saurus name kind of stuck and 'I've only got little arms' has become a running joke in the family!
When I decided to create a nail blog, I didn't have to think about the name at all. I knew from the start it would be The Nailasaurus and to this day I still love the name, even if I do have to spell it out every time I tell someone.
Now that I'm talking about it, I realise it's kind of a strange name! What did you think when you first came across this blog and saw that title?!

I used A-England Lancelot as the black base colour and then freehanded on the T-Rex using a nail art brush with Barry M Silver Foil.
The chain design is a stamp from Bundle Monster Plate BM12 but the links on the stamp all have gaps in so I filled them in with the Barry M Silver Foil.
The glitter is Cirque French Roast and I used 3 coats of it over a base of PVA Glue for easy peel removal!
It's all topped off with two coats of NYC In a New York Minute top coat.

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Write by: Unknown - Sunday, February 24, 2013

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