Guest Blogger - Anthea from Nail Obsession

Where am I? - still off the east coast of Australia - it's a bloody long way back home. (Actually, I'm still sitting here on the Sunday before I leave for my holiday, scheduling all these guest blog posts - I never realised this would take me so long to schedule them all!)

Ok, Guest post #12 is from Anthea from Nailed Obsession.  I love this look that Anthea has created using a colour blocking design and lots of rhinestones.  I totally love this look and it's definitely something that I would wear.  Over to you Anthea.


Hey guys, it's Anthea from Nailed Obsession reporting for duty!

When Cathy asked me to write a guest post for her blog I'll admit that I had a bit of a fan girl moment, and then I started freaking out because let's face it, Cathy's nail art is awesome, and whatever I did was probably going to be not so awesome.

But moving on... Today I have a design for you that was requested by a friend of mine. You can see the photo she originally sent me here. It's always hard to recreate someone else's design (especially when theirs is so perfectly executed), but here's my attempt:

The only thing I would consider changing is the placement of the rhinestones, I didn't realise until I'd finished that they were in the same configuration on every nail, which is a bit too uniform for my liking. But hey, we live and learn.

The polishes I used were A England 'Iseult', China Glaze 'Emotion', OPI 'Cherry Blossom', and China Glaze ' Hello Gorgeous!'. Hopefully I didn't traumatise you all too much, Cathy will be back soon, promise! If you want to see more of my nail art (including some tutorials) as well as polish reviews head on over to my blog.
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Write by: Unknown - Wednesday, June 5, 2013

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