Cherry On Top Award

Rules of this award are:

1. Thank the person who gave this award to you.
Thank you Kathy and Dionela

2. Copy the award and put it on your blog.

3. List 3 things you love about yourself.
I always surprise myself with what I am able to do.
In University this year, I had to do a Maths and Stats module. For example - I haven't done maths since I was 16, and I had to drop it in my first year of A-Levels because it was too hard. But I managed to pull it off this year and it ended up becoming one of my favourite topics.

I'm creative.
A lot of people were shocked when they found out it was my ambition to become an Accountant. Everyone expected me to pursue Photography. To be honest, so did I until I found out I could get in to a good businees school with my qualifications in Photography, Media Studies and IT.

I'm really independent and always have been.
I try really hard never to be too dependent on anyone and I'm not afraid to do anything on my own (but I draw the line at eating in restaurants and going to the cinema). I have friends who won't do much by themselves and it really limits you in life.

4. Post a picture you love.

I took this picture as part of my work for A-Level Photography. I should've got an A, but my teacher didn't like me. ARGH.

Thanks again Kathy and Dionela. I love this award. It was fun to do and I love reading other peoples'. I feel like I know everyone that little bit better once I have seen their answers.

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Write by: Unknown - Saturday, June 26, 2010

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