A long time lemming : Chanel Holographic

If you had asked me a couple of weeks ago my number 1 lemming, the nail polish I truly believed I'd never possess, I would have answered without a doubt the Chanel Duo Platinum Holographic Set, for obvious reasons : the first being that I had missed it when it was released in 2007 and the second that it's nowhere to be found, unless of course if you're willing to drop $300 on eBay... I mean apart from being the gem of all holos of course!

And then one day, my holo dream came true so I had to share all this awesomeness with you!

As you can see, the Chanel Duo Platinum Holographic Set includes a fixing basecoat, similar to Gosh or Nfu Oh Aqua Base, a water based basecoat manufactured to prevent patchiness and bald spots.
I have never tried the Nfu Oh Aqua Base but I did try the Gosh one and although I love it, I always thought that it took ages to dry and seems to be a dust magnet! I didn"t have this issue at all with Chanel's Fixing Base, it was actually dry for a long time before I dared touch it to check, LOL. I guess bad habits die hard, at least the ones given by reluctant basecoats...

Now, on to the essential part of the set, the Chanel Holographic nail polish :

Chanel Holographic in DIRECT SUNLIGHT
Chanel Holographic in DIRECT SUNLIGHT
Chanel Holographic in DIRECT SUNLIGHT
Chanel Holographic in DIRECT SUNLIGHT
Chanel Holographic in DIRECT SUNLIGHT

Chanel Holographic in DIRECT SUNLIGHT

Chanel Holographic in DAYLIGHT
Chanel Holographic in DAYLIGHT

Now, I don't know about you but this is, in my opinion, linear holo perfection!

Because I couldn't not compare Chanel Holographic to it's dupes, I decided to do a quick comparison with Gosh Holographic, I didn't feel the need to buy Nfu Oh 61 though.
First in terms of application, I found that Chanel Holo was much easier to work with, I tried them both over a regular basecoat and Gosh Holo was way patchier; in terms of finish, they share the same amount of shine but Chanel seems just a tiny bit lighter and smoother but the difference tends to diminish when they dry and the holo effect begins to flash.
But the question I was most curious about is, of course, wether or not they are exact dupes...

Well... No!
In real life, Chanel is definitely more holo, the holo pigment density higher, although I truly believe it would be quite hard to tell them apart without seeing them side by side. The difference is less noticeable in picture but here's a quick comp anyway :

Chanel Holographic on index and ring finger
Gosh Holographic on middle finger

In conclusion I'll just say that I don't regret one bit buying this set but that you can definitely turn to Gosh Holographic instead (or Nfu Oh 61).
However, I've heard that Gosh Holo is being discontinued and that most Nfu Oh 61 are duds now... So if you love holos as much as I do , you might want to try and stock up.

I'll just say this one more thing :
What is going on with holos lately??? Is there some kind of worldwide holo pigment penury??? Or is it just that holos aren't as profitable to manufacture as regular nail polishes???
If it's just a matter of money, I think I can speak for a lot of holo lovers when I say that we are willing to pay a few extra $$$ for them if it's justified... Aren't we already doing it when buying long gone, HTFs, limited editions,...
I'd rather give my money to the nail polish companies if they satisfy my holo cravings than to the (eBay) scalpers!
If so, then please make us some dark holos too : blues, greens, blacks, reds,...

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Write by: Unknown - Friday, March 25, 2011

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