One week of possibilities : Essie Lapis of Luxury Day 5 Essie Kisses & Bises + OPI I Juggle... Men

I have decided to experiment a little bit this week. I chose a nail polish, Essie Lapis of Luxury and I'll try and use it to post a different combo each day until sunday.
Today I wanted to enhance the pink side of OPI I Juggle... Men so I decided to combine it with Essie Kisses and Bises.
I've already used them both with different nail polishes, you can see  I Juggle... Men over Essie Borrowed and Blue here and Kisses and Bises over Zoya Dove here.
Just a reminder :
Do not use topcoat over I Juggle... Men (IJM) without testing if they're compatible first or you'll end up with major shrinkage all over your nails. I've read on NB that you have to use a B3F topcoat to avoid it and that it was the reason why Seche Vite caused the issue, but I tested the OPI regular, green label, topcoat with the same outcome.
This being said, IJM dries pretty quick and to a glossy finish by itself so maybe you can skip topcoat altogether for his once.
Essie Lapis of Luxury
Essie Kisses and Bises + OPI I Juggle... Men

Essie Lapis of Luxury
Essie Kisses and Bises + OPI I Juggle... Men

Essie Lapis of Luxury
Essie Kisses and Bises + OPI I Juggle... Men
Overall :
I'm really happy with the look of this mani and I can't get enough of Kisses and Bises. It's hard to photograph a shimmer properly because it only shows were the light reflects on the nail but in real life it's much more obvious and really adds a whole different dimension to Lapis of Luxury.
Now, I probably shouldn't say this but I have a little layering surprise for tomorrow's post so don't forget to come and check it out!
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Write by: Unknown - Saturday, May 14, 2011

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